Monday, May 6, 2013

For the Green Thumbs...

Monday, May 6, 2013
Frankfurt, Germany

In Europe, people live pretty small, which means in the city... it's apartment living.  You are lucky if you have some space to grow flowers, and that's usually on your balcony, if you even have one of those.

After first arriving, we were out walking and I saw all this land that looked like it might be where "traveler/gypsy" type people might live.  The only reason I thought this was because it looked like some of these plots had little cabins on them.

Well... as I've come to learn, the city actually leases this land out, so that the locals can have a place to do their gardening and relaxation.  Majority of the gardens are fenced in and have locks on the gates, so unless you actually own a garden, you can't get in.  You can walk around the outsides of them, which is what I do when out walking with Hollis.

So, as mentioned, spring has arrived and so have the people!  There has been lots of garden tending, the ground is being cultivated, the flowers are coming up, people are putting in their vegetables and other fun plants.  You can walk through and see people having wine parties with a few friends, old couples snoozing on lawn chairs in their little paradise, or people just enjoying the day weeding and planting their plots.  Most of the plots have some sort of shed or building, so it could be a tool shed, to a little party patio.

It's nice to see the area transforming with spring.  Here's some of the gardens that are a short walk from our house.  I tried taking the pictures over the barbed gates, so you get a better feel.

This is for all my green thumbed friends and family...

Spring Time!

Monday, May 6, 2013
Frankfurt, Germany

Spring has officially sprung!  The trees have been blooming and the air smells like a floral bouquet every time you step outside.  It's wonderful.  We've seen the tulips, crocuses, magnolia tree's, and many other flowers open up and say hello!  The latest is the lilac bushes.  I love the sound of the birds and the church bells in the middle of the day.  We've been getting a few days of sunny blue skies and then that'll be followed by a few rainy days, but I don't mind at all!  Everything is so green and lush and it's still warm even if it is raining.

We've made lots of good friends now and have been having fun meeting for dinner, going to the park, shopping and most recently going to a German Wine Fest.  The wine fest was great fun for me, as Rob was kind enough to stay home with Hollis, so I could have a fun night out.

Hollis is growing like crazy (now 17 months old)!  She is becoming more and more independent and understands most directions.  She even figured out how to climb up the wooden steps at the playground, which leads to the slide, which she promptly slides down with a delightful "wee-ee" sound.  So cute she is!  She's really into musical toys, dancing her little baby bee-bop, and her building blocks.

In her favortite spot... under the kitchen sink in the cupboard.

She loves rocking horses! 
This is at a restaurant called The Table where we meet a group of mom's every Thursday for lunch.
All dressed up for dinner night out!
Found this MOTHER of all strawberries in the bottom of my basket.
I bought this at our local stand in the neighborhood.

At the playground near our house - first pigtails!

Playing in the sand...
She laughs and laughs and laughs on the swings...

Wine Fest in Bornheim.  This is my friend Jill.  :)

Dancing with Ben and April

Richard, me, Ben, Anne and April