Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Klaipeda Trip: Day Three - Sculpture Park and Train Station

Klaipeda, Lithuania
Sculpture Park and Train Station

Monday, 12/31/12

We had a nice breakfast and decided to walk across the city to the train station.  On our way through Klaipeda, we walked through the Sculpture Park which had hundreds of statues.  Then we boarded the train and headed back to Vilnius.

Our hotel

A Lock Bridge - when people get married, they engrave their names and wedding date on a lock and attach it to the bridge.  The marriages last as long as the lock does!

 Which way does the wind blow?

Walking through town...

This church is now the post office.

 Back entrance to the Sculpture Park
 Lots of Sculptures...

 See Rob?

 This one is for Marci - saddle on the horse hoof

 At the train station

Our train that will take us back to Vilnius.  Reminded me a bit of the Hogwarts Express!

We had this berth all to ourselves for about 6 stops, but then we got company.

We had a great trip to Klaipeda.  Hope to go in the summer someday to explore more of the Curonian Spit, the sand dunes, walking trails and other fun things.

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