Sunday, 12/23/12
Instead of cozying up to the fireplace we don't have, we opted to go for a walk on one of THE coldest days so far. It was about 2 degrees, slight wind, high humidity. Best described as "nostril hair freezing, cold to your bones, shiver me timbers, gonna take 6 hours to thaw out my body" cold. Don't ask me why we choose to go out on these days, but we do.
At a local flea market, both indoors and outdoors.
Lots of books, hats, furniture, dolls, coins, cards, antiques and random household items.
Walking through a park to make our way towards Old Town.
Pushing a stroller in the snow is like a fun game.
The Three Muses
This statue atop the Lithuanian National Drama Theatre is represented by the unusual black-robed figures of drama, comedy and tragedy. They hide behind their gold masks leaning toward their audience of tourists like me taking pictures.
Hollis and I walking on one of my favorite streets. A lot of the art sellers have stands along this roadway. I took home a few treasures myself this day!
A few fun holiday decorations gracing some of the shop entrances.
The orchid painting I bought. I can't wait to get it home!