Thursday, December 6, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Hollis!!

The wee girl child has turned one!  This has been the most exciting and wonderful year of my life.  I can only imagine what it must be like from her perspective.  What wonders she must see in the world. 

We celebrated her birthday in Denver before we left town, so the cake shots are from that.  Her actual birthday in Vilnius consisted of opening presents and going out to a nice birthday dinner where she got to eat lots of dessert, but without the glorious mess this time.

Denver Birthday Cupcake at 11mos. old

Vilnius - Actual Birthday 12/5/12
Being a ham for my monthly photo

Opening present from Uncle Darrel, Aunt Kim, and Cousins Brody and Logan

Her new walker is a huge hit!  She loves it!

Box Car Racing with daddy!

Kisses from my mommy!

All snuggled up and ready for a night on the town!

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