Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Bloomin' Good Time at Keukenhof - Amsterdam: Day Two

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Holland
March 29 - April 1, 2013

Easter Weekend
Day Two

Keukenhof Garden

Sadly, Old Man Winter decided to stick around a bit later this year, so the fields were 3 weeks behind in their normal bloom cycle, so we mostly got to enjoy the tulips barely budding out of the ground, but there were a lot of other flowers to see, plus several greenhouses that were full of tulips. There were also several flower shows going on and we enjoyed those a lot, my favorite being the Orchid Exhibit.

Keukenhof is huge.  There are many paths to ramble along, beautiful fountains, a petting zoo, wind mill, flower fields, playgrounds, lots of waterways and several large green houses that house different exhibits.  It's quite lovely, even without the wow factor of all the colorful flowers.  I couldn't help but leave there a little sad though to not have seen it in all its glory.

Therefore... the girls are talking about making a return trip in a few weeks just to see the flowers. 

Our visit to Keukenhof -

 Flower beds just barely blooming
 Easter Bunny!

 One of the main greenhouses

 Hollis and I
 There big shoes to fill, but I can handle it!

 The Orchid Show - my favorite flower!

 Back outside in the gardens... we explore the pathways

These were a cool walking path!  See Hollis and I on the circle?

This was back in the city.  I added it because, see how the building is listing to the left?  It's not a trick of the eye... it actually is listing.  Many of the buildings shift left, right and forward as they slowly sink due to their wood foundations rotting.  Crazy!

Hollis admiring a fountain on the walk back to the hotel.

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