Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Daddy's Day Off - Visit to Palmengarten

Monday, April 15, 2013
Frankfurt, Germany

Finally Rob has a day off!!  We spent the day at the Palmengarten (basically a big park and botanic garden) where they also have a playground and water play area for the kids.  It was a hot day (in the 70's!) and we actually broke out the shorts and tank tops!!  Our friend Anne and her daughter Riley joined us for the day.

Hollis pointing out the carp to daddy.
 This swan was so interested in Hollis.  She reached her hand out, and I told Rob, don't let the swan bite her!  He said "That swan's not going to bite her"... (but he did pull her hand back)

Hollis put her foot up on the edge here, and 2 seconds after I snapped this... the swan bit her shoe!

 Flower house

 Playground area


 Hollis, Anne and baby Riley

Riley liked the swing a lot!

 Afternoon snack-nic.
 Rob's new lady friend.

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